poniedziałek, 25 marca 2024

Dlugi ten audyt…:

 Dlugi ten audyt…:

Staff costs represented 30% of total expenses in 2022, a slight decrease from
2021 (32%), and is the second largest expenses category after contractual
services. While staff numbers increased slightly in 2022, actual costs decreased
by a small amount compared with 2021 (Fig. 11) due to a combination of a
reduction in the actuarial costs calculated for employee benefits and exchange
rate fluctuations.
8595 zatrudnionych w 2021
8851 ” w 2022
Total expenses on medical supplies amounted to US$ 511 million in 2022,
representing a slight increase over 2021 (US$ 497 million). Of the total, US$ 401
million related to the procurement of medical supplies and US$ 110 million
related to donation in-kind supplies, which is more than double the amount
compared with 2021 (US$ 53 million). Of the purchases, 44% was related to
emergencies, down from 58% in 2021, mainly due to a lower demand for
COVID-19-related supplies in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The polio
programme represented 26% of the total expenses (up from 24% in 2021),
mainly due to a greater number of vaccination campaigns in the African and
Eastern Mediterranean Regions
Travel costs totalled US$ 161 million in 2022, more than double the amount
of US$ 78 million in 2021 but significantly lower than the 2019 pre-COVID-19
pandemic level of US$ 222 million. Of the total travel costs, 58% was related to
non-staff and meeting participants
In 2022, WHO’s short-term investments grew by US$ 353 million (8%), from
US$ 4563 million to US$ 4916 million. WHO continues to invest its funds
conservatively in short-term investments with a minimum A credit rating.
The funds are invested in a portfolio of internally managed short-term bank
deposits and in three portfolios of short-term fixed-income instruments (bonds)
managed by reputable international investment managers.

Nie znalazlem danych o strukturze wydatków w Afryce.. globalnie 970 ale ila na co? Jakies 470 na flówne biura, ale czy tam sa dostawy leków i sprzetu wliczone tego nie znalazlem.

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