środa, 3 lipca 2024

Jak już wyeliminują gotówkę, to zajmą się kartami.

 Jak już wyeliminują gotówkę, to zajmą się kartami. Po co nosić jakiś plastik, jak można rękę przyłożyć i gotowe. W sumie zdajsie już coś z tym kombinują. David Icke ma sporo dziwnych teorii, ale też często gada bardzo sensownie, tych danych nie weryfikowałem ale raczej wszystko zmierza w stronę znaku Bestii…

… These are Bluetooth devices, Apple watches, Google Glass and such like. They include ‘electronic tattoos’ which are nothing more than microchips on the skin and there is even circuitry stitched into clothes to give you a better cell phone signal (Fig 599). Wearable technology is being exploited in conjunction with mobile phones and physiological signals assessed by algorithms to monitor the emotional state of couples and both monitor and change behaviour. Parent-child relationships are the next in line we are told. Wearables are now well advanced and we are moving incessantly into stage three – ‘implantables’ inside the body which has been the plan from the start (Fig 600). These include pills being activated in the body and their use recorded by microchips which is a Tiptoe to compulsory psychological medication monitored in the same way and featured in dystopian movies such as Equilibrium. The naïvety and ignorance of so many people is childlike. Associated Press reported how workers at a centre in Stockholm, Sweden, gleefully accepted an offer to be microchipped so they can ‘function as swipe cards: open doors, operate printers, or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand’. They even have parties where employees are chipped. ‘The biggest benefit I think is convenience’, said Patrick Mesterton, co-founder and CEO of Epicenter, as he opened a door with a swish of the hand. Lazy bastard. This intellectual giant continues: ‘… people have been implanting things into their body, like pacemakers and stuff to control your heart – that’s a way, way more serious thing than having a small chip that can actually communicate with devices.’ Bless him. Sandra Haglof, 25, a worker at Epicenter, is quoted as saying as she was chipped: ‘I want to be part of the future.’ Oh, you are, Sandra. You are. An estimated 20,000 Swedes are now chipped and Swedish rail operator SJ Rail is introducing chips to pay fares (Britain is planning something similar using face recognition). Sweden is indeed a forerunner and laboratory for the Brave New World in so many ways with its small population making it far easier to transform and monitor and observe the effects. Microchipping of employees and others under various pretexts is growing all the time as the Hunger Games Society beckons and allows for 24/7 tracking and hacking of the chips. We should keep in mind that even microchips and devices you can see are still low-level compared with what is happening covertly with smart dust. Each step in the technological Tiptoe is being sold – and widely perceived – as the next great technological breakthrough when it is merely the next stage in humanity’s technological prison. The term cell-phone is so perfect. Watch, too, for microchipping to be promoted as a way to overcome security queue delays at airports and public events. Long and invasive searches overseen by armed police which followed the deadly attack at a concert venue in Manchester are the way things are meant to be from now on. What an opportunity to microchip people on the promise of swifter entry and passage though security checks if your chip can be read technologically in the way they increasingly do with passports at airport immigration points. The more hold-ups they generate at airports, train stations and so on the more will accept the chip to bypass them. Aldous Huxley, who died in 1963, knew that addiction to technology would eventually happen: ‘People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.’ Psychological programming is well underway to convince people that under-the-skin and inside-the-brain microchips are a great thing. Interactive DARPA-inspired AI devices such as Amazon’s Echo/Alexa, Google’s Assistant, Microsoft’s Cortana and Apple’s Siri are preparing people psychologically for the fusion with AI. Among Amazon’s selling features of Echo are: ‘Answers questions, reads audiobooks, reports news, traffic and weather, provides sports scores and schedules, and more using the Alexa Voice Service, controls lights, switches, thermostats and more with compatible connected devices and always getting smarter – Alexa updates through the cloud automatically and is continually learning, adding new features and skills.’ The computer program behind this technology is called a chatbot and designed to mimic how a human would communicate, but a Facebook report revealed that chatbots had developed their own AI ‘machine language’ and learned negotiating techniques that included feigning interest in something valueless which is later conceded in a fake ‘compromise’. This was described as a ‘mind-boggling sign of what is to come.’ See Archontic AI. Facebook were reported to have stopped the experiment when the new AI language emerged.

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