środa, 30 października 2024

Jürgen Neumann on Ernst Zündel

 Jürgen Neumann on Ernst Zündel

[In this weekly podcast episode The Flipside with Monika on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks with Jürgen Neumann and his time working with Ernst Zündel, the famous Canadian-German revisionist.

Key points include:

Jurgen Neumann worked as a videographer for Ernst Zundel for decades.

Ernst Zundel was a German immigrant to Canada who challenged the mainstream Holocaust narrative.

Zundel had a “moment of awakening” when he met Adrian Arcand, a French Canadian who had been in a Canadian concentration camp for six years during WWII.

Arcand showed Zundel historical information that contradicted the mainstream narrative: “he started showing him his library of thousands of books and started giving him all the other information that he had been denied all these years.”

Zundel described this experience as being “born again” with the truth.

In the late 1970s, Zundel ran for leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada, giving him a platform to speak about issues facing German immigrants.

In 1980, there was a major raid on Zundel’s supporters in Germany, leading to protests against him in Toronto.

Zundel began using video to document events and spread his message in the early 1980s.

Zundel met Robert Faurisson, described as “the world’s foremost revisionist”, who focused on questioning the existence of gas chambers.

Zundel faced legal troubles, including having his mail service cut off and being charged with “spreading false news.”

Zundel’s 1985 trial lasted six weeks and received extensive media coverage.

The trial featured testimony from Holocaust survivors that was heavily scrutinized: “it was the first time that former camp inmates were properly cross examined by a lawyer.”

A second trial in 1988 lasted almost four months and included even more information challenging the Holocaust narrative.

Jurgen Neumann accompanied Zundel on several trips to Auschwitz.

Neumann now maintains a BitChute channel called “John Robinson 101” where he uploads videos related to Zundel’s work. It contains “over a thousand videos” related to Holocaust revisionism and Zundel’s activities.

The discussion portrays Zundel as a truth-seeker facing persecution for his views, and Holocaust revisionism as a legitimate historical inquiry, rather than as hate speech or anti-semitism.


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