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No tak, ale jak się nie wierzy, że istnieje bomba atomowa, a obecnie jestem bardzo sceptycznie nastawiony co do jej istnienia, to widzi się książkę Collinsa w innym świetle. Było kiedyś ciekawe forum, na którym dyskutowano tak zwany nuclear hoax, ale jakoś nie mogę go teraz znaleźć. Jest oczywiście dalej Mathias Miles, i jego analiza zdjęć z prób nuklearnych wydaje się przekonująca, ale generalnie to dziwna strona, chyba cały komitet, i czasami wypisują głupoty…
Pozostaje mi rekomendacja książki
Death Object Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax Akio Nakatani
About the Author
Akio Nakatani is a Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. His research interests include Stochastic Systems, Parameter Estimation, Stochastic Optimization, Monte Carlo Methods and Simulation, Neural Networks, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Statistical Image Analysis, Nonparametric Bayes and Bayesian Hierarchical Models, Time Series, Graphical Models, Nonparametric Bayes and Bayesian Hierarchical Models.
Tu generalne omówienie teorii konspiracyjnych
Intense infrared energy is released and instantly burns exposed skin for miles in every direction. The soft internal organs (viscera) of humans and animals are evaporated. Nuclear shadows appear for the first time as a result of the extreme thermal radiation. These shadows are outlines of humans and objects that blocked the thermal radiation. Examples are the woman who was sitting on the stairs near the bank of the Ota River. Only the shadow of where she sat remains in the concrete. The shadow of a man pulling a cart across the street is all that remains in the asphalt.
(Atomic Heritage Foundation)
… his flesh and blood were all reduced to nothingness’ A Hiroshima ‘nuclear shadow’ of one or more vaporized victims (Why is the wood wall unscathed? Just … don’t ask).
A tu wypisy z książki
In that eclectic spirit, this book can be read as a critical assembly of many different elemental traces: primer (Nuclear Bombs for Dummies), history, polemic, prophecy, comedy or tragedy. If you think this topic’s gray and gloomy gravitas rules out any of those, watch Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece of atomic humor, Dr. Stranglove, and think again.
If you’re already an atomic skeptic, this book will serve as a handy reference compendium of familiar evidence coherently organized. If you’re a firm believer in the reality of nuclear weapons, this book could make you think twice. If you haven’t considered the subject one way or the other, I can promise you that by the end of this book you’ll have received a larger dosage of nuclear knowledge with less strain and boredom than you’d have thought humanly possible. If I get you thinking more seriously about the implications of atomic weaponry, then as far as I’m concerned – result!
Keep one thing in mind as you read. In addition to all the junky byproducts of a nuclear blast listed above, there’s one other: photon emissions. That’s visible light and it’s what I hope this book can radiate. I think you’ll find it both enlightening (like a stimulating course lecture) and entertaining (like a horror movie).
How could a topic so unthinkably ghastly be entertaining? I don’t mean to disrespect the suffering of anybody injured or killed in any war, by any means – conventional or otherwise. In this world of madness and pain, we need gallows humor. I use levity to reduce our risk of ending up like noted historian Iris Chang, who (it is speculated), spiraled into suicidal depression after interviewing one too many of the survivors of the 20th century’s worst horrors.