niedziela, 7 lipca 2024

The state child kidnapping

 ad Ktos ci broni wytlumaczyc dziecku, ze w szkole nie maja czasem racji. Nie, tylko boisz sie, ze ci jakis urzad dziecko zabierze – marginez, ktory prawie nigdy sie nie dziej ..


Ssm fakt że się posyła dziecko do szkoły jest już współpracą z systemem. Co do zabierania dzieci rodzicom, no to jak się ich w Niemczech nie pośle do szkoły, na marginesie są sytuacje gdy państwo nie chce ich zabrać rodzicom, dlatego część takich rodzin ucieka z kraju.


The state child kidnapping

Secret courts where proceedings can’t be reported are the cover for incredible injustice which the public never hears about.David Icke describes a real problem. For more „respectable” and recognised author, see books Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family and The New Politics of Sex: The Sexual Revolution, Civil Liberties, and the Growth of Governmental Power by Stephen Baskerville

Financial incentives are encoded at every stage to oil the wheels of state child kidnapping and the same with government targets for the number of children that have to be taken by the state every year. Assess the circumstances? No, no, check how many more we need to meet the target. Only the psychopathic and sociopathic without empathy or heart could possibly do this, and that is why social services have been recruiting such people apace at the expense of those with compassion and decency who should be doing the job.

REARING HONORABLE WHITE CHILDREN – How to insulate your children from a poisonous world?

„It is inconceivable to us,” Ken told me, „that people actually sit in front of the television-videos included-hour upon hour, letting this degrading material into their homes. Something either inspires the soul or destroys it. For music, we listen to classical music. Our children read good books, play chess and backgammon, draw, paint, and sew. We take hikes as a family, go on picnics, cycle, and go to museums and concerts. We do things together in order to cement our bonds as a family.” Just as significant is what the children don’t do in this home: they don’t concern themselves with the persona and career of a pop musician; they don’t press their parents for cash for the latest video game; they don’t get preoccupied with the plot of a Fox television show; they don’t stew over the fate of a professional sports team; and they don’t chatter on about a summer blockbuster film. (…)

Although Ken and Elizabeth are Catholic, they would not consider sending their children to parochial schools. In their view, Catholic schools reflect the same race-less view of man as public schools do, but within a religious aura that demands even more acquiescence.

Moreover, whatever their kind, schools are where children congregate, all day, every day, year after year, and that has a big impact on them. School is where teenagers, especially, come to see themselves as a. tribe apart, separate from their parents, from the larger culture, from the past and the future. The youth culture stresses what is happening now, with us, with our age group. The peer group has become so central, so consuming, that the writer Judith Harris argues in her book The Nurture Assumption that, now, culture is being transmitted to a greater extent by peers than by parents and teachers. According to Mrs. Harris, the members of the older generation who most influence cultural transmission are those who have the attention of the peer group: product marketers and celebrities.

Ken and Elizabeth believe children are like sponges: absorbent and easily shaped. They want their children to have friends their own ages, but they chart directions and impose controls. They approve and disapprove of activities and associations. They want to know, at every moment, where their children are, whom they are with, and what they are doing. They screen the families their children associate with.

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