środa, 30 października 2024

Obie wojny światowe, które miały miejsce w XX w., były dziełem głównie niemieckim … **


  1. Obie wojny światowe, które miały miejsce w XX w., były dziełem głównie niemieckim …

    Autor chyba niedawno przyleciał do nas z Marsa i nie za bardzo orientuje się w sytuacji. To widać choćby z tego zdania. Albo jeszcze jaśniej z samego przesłania artykułu. Jak Niemcy mogą coś podbijać, skoro dawno są podbite i kontrolowane przez żydów? Podbija się by zapewnić sobie lepszą przyszłość. A demografia jest jasna, Niemcy nie mają żadnej przyszłości. Gdyby zamiast słowa Niemcy autor używał żydzi, to artykuł byłby całkiem dobry, a tak pisanie o polityce bez uwzględnienia najważniejszego gracza, to albo głupota albo celowa manipulacja i zniekształcenie.
    The Jewish Hand in the World Wars by Thomas Dalton – review

    In a fascinating section, Dalton explains how Roosevelt himself likely had a part-Jewish ancestry, which would go a long way toward explaining his sympathy for Jewish interests. FDR won the presidency in 1932 and, like Wilson, proceeded to install a large number of Jews in prominent positions in his administration. Most notable among these were Louis Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter, Henry Morgenthau Jr., Sam Rosenman and Ben Cohen, though many others had influential roles—so much so that his “New Deal” came to be de-risively known as the “Jew Deal,” Dalton tells us.
    As Hitler and the NSDAP rose to power in Germany in the 1930s, Jews worldwide began to agitate against him. These included Bol-shevik Jews in the Soviet Union, Jews in the United Kingdom and France, and FDR’s Jewish advisors. The second half of Dalton’s book focuses specifically on the Jewish American role and World War II, presenting a clear and logical argument based on six points:

    • the extensive Jewish role in the Roosevelt administration;
    • that the majority Christian U.S.
    public was solidly isolationist;
    • that prominent Jews did see war as a benefit to their interests;
    • that FDR acted surreptitiously on behalf of war;
    • that the Jewish-dominated U.S. media constantly pushed for war; and
    • that the U.S. ultimately entered the war under false pretenses.

    Dalton presents an impressive sequence of statistics, quotations, and authoritative references that defend all these points. Of special interest is his discussion of prominent critics of FDR’s drive toward war, including Joseph Kennedy (father of JFK) and Charles Lindbergh, both of whom alleged a heavy Jewish hand in historical events. The narrative culminates with Pearl Harbor, and once again Dalton gives an excellent, concise account of how the whole event was essentially manipulated, designed to pull the United States into war in both Asia and Europe. In the end, Roosevelt is exposed as a dupe, one who was criminally complicit in the massive expenditure of American blood and treasure in a war that we had no real interest in fighting.

    Dalton’s final chapter takes a look at wars since WWII, and what he alleges is the Jewish involvement therein. The Vietnam War is shown to have some intriguing angles, as do the lives of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. And, of course, virtually all wars from the first Iraq War in 1990 to the present day have been targeted against Arabs and Muslims—no coincidence, given the stranglehold that the Israel lobby has on American foreign and do-mestic policy today. All in all, Dalton paints a remark-able picture of Jewish involvement in wars throughout history. And, un-surprisingly, the primary victims of these wars typically turn out to be “the goyim,” or non-Jews of the world.

    In the end, the book offers a potent lesson for us all: If we wish to reduce or eliminate war in our future, we need to be willing to examine all possible causes and influences of those wars, whether or not we will be vilified for daring to discuss taboo topics that we know will put us on the wrong side of the powerful, politically correct establishment.

    from The Barnes Review – Volume XXV Number 5 Werwoelfe of the Reich


    Dalton – The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 1

    In 2006, an inebriated Mel Gibson allegedly said this: “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” There followed the predicable storm of anti-anti-Semitism, ad hominem attacks, and various other slanders against Gibson’s character. But virtually no one asked the question: Is he right? Or rather this: To what degree could he be right?

    Clearly Jews can’t be responsible for all the world’s wars, but might they have had a hand in many wars—at least amongst those countries in which they lived or interacted? Given their undeniable influence in those nations where they exceed even a fraction of a percent of the population, Jews must be responsible, to some degree, for at least some of what government does, both good and bad. Jews are often praised as brilliant managers, economists, and strategists, and have been granted seemingly endless awards and honors. But those given credit for their successes must also receive blame for their failures. And there are few greater failures in the lives of nations than war.

    To begin to evaluate Gibson’s charge, I will look at the role Jews played in the two major wars of world history, World Wars I and II. But first I need to recap some relevant history in order to better understand the context of Jewish policy and actions during those calamitous events.


    Dalton – The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 2

    In Part 1 of this article, I provided an account of the Jewish role in the events leading up to World War One, with an emphasis on their influence in the UK and United States. Woodrow Wilson was shown to be the first American president elected with the full backing of the Jewish lobby, and he responded by placing several Jews into leading roles in his administration. They were also seen as having decisive influence at the time of Wilson’s declaration of war in April 1917. On the British side, Prime Minister David Lloyd George was a Christian Zionist and ideological compatriot of the Jews, and equally eager to support their aims. Britain leveraged Jewish support through the Balfour Declaration of November 1917, which promised the Zionists a homeland in Palestine; it was their reward for their having brought the US into the conflict some seven months earlier.

    Such actions were shown to be part of a long-standing historical trend: one of Jewish activists and agitators inciting turmoil and even war whenever they stood to benefit. Wars, of course, are not only events of great death and destruction; they provide tremendous opportunity for financial profit, and for dramatic shifts in global power structures. For those in the right position, warfare can yield significant gains in wealth and influence.


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