czwartek, 19 września 2024

Warto zwrócić uwagę na śmiertelność żydów podczas tego ataku:

 Warto zwrócić uwagę na śmiertelność żydów podczas tego ataku:

Sama logika podpowiadałaby, że w czasie ataku w World Trade Center powinny znajdować się setki, jeśli nie tysiące Izraelczyków.

Międzynarodowe zaangażowanie Żydów w bankowość i finanse jest legendarne. Dwie z najbogatszych firm w Nowym Jorku to Goldman-Sachs i Solomon Brothers; i obie firmy mają biura w Twin Towers. Wielu dyrektorów tych firm regularnie dojeżdża tam i z powrotem do Izraela. Nowy Jork jest centrum ogólnoświatowej [72]żydowskiej potęgi finansowej, a World Trade Center jest jego epicentrum. Można by się spodziewać, że liczba ofiar śmiertelnych w Izraelu będzie katastrofalna”.

13 września „Czterech Izraelczyków było prawie na pewno w bliźniaczych wieżach World Trade Center, kiedy się zawaliły, powiedział dziś wieczorem izraelski konsul w Nowym Jorku”. Liczba ta stale malała. Tydzień później prezydent Bush stwierdził, że zginęło 130 osób, jednak 129 z nich zostało znalezione żywymi. NY Times (22 września) wykazało, że potwierdzono śmierć 3 Izraelczyków, dwóch z samolotów i jednego z Towers [73], [74]. O tej liczbie brytyjski historyk David Irving napisał: „Z radością donosimy, że liczba 4000 zmniejszyła się ostatecznie do trzech (nie trzech tysięcy, lecz trzech), potem dwóch, a potem jednego: nieszczęsnego Daniela Lewina”. [75]

Najlepsze książki o 9/11

Best Books

Nafeez Ahmed, The War on Truth 2005

Chris Bollyn Solving 9/11: the Deception that changed the world 2012

Andreas von Bulow, the CIA and September 11th 2003

Len Bracken, The Shadow Government, 9/11 and State Terror, 2004.

Elias Davidsson, Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11 2013

James Fetzer, The 9/11 Conspiracy

James Fetzer, America Nuked on 9/11 2016

David Ray Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor 2008

David ray Griffin, The 9/11 Commission report: Omissions and Distortions 2004

David Ray Griffin, Ed. 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out 2006.

Dean Hartwell, Planes without Passengers 2011

Dean Hartwell, 911 Was it a movie? 2015

Eric Hufschmid, Painful Questions 2002

Laura Jadzyk, 9/11 the Ultimate Truth 2005

Ian Henshall 9.11 Revealed: the facts behind the war on Terror 2005

Ian Henshall 9.11 The New evidence: Fully updated and Revised 2007

Thierry Meyssian 9/11 the Big Lie 2002

Rowland Morgan Flight 93 Revealed 2006

Rebekah Roth Methodical Conclusion 2016, Methodical Deception 2015, Methodical Illusion 2014 (fictional-factual stories, rather boring).

Mike Ruppert Crossing the Rubicon 2004

Webster Tarpley 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in the USA 2005

Victor Thorn 9/11 Evil: Israel’s central role in the September 11, 2001 terrorist Attacks 2006.

Victor Thorn & Lisa Giuliani Phantom Flight 93 2007

Victor Thorn 9/11 Made in Israel 2011

Judy Wood Where did the Towers go? 2010

Barry Zwicker Towers of Deception: the Media Cover-up of 9/11 2006.


2006 Andrew Cockburn Rumsfeld, His Rise, Fall and Catastrophic Legacy 2007

David Ray Griffin Bush and Cheney, how they ruined America and the World 2017

Peter Dale Scott The Road to 9/11 2008

Peter Dale Scott The American Deep State 2014


Dla lubiących dziwne rzeczy, polecam

“Where did the towers go?” która to omawia dość dziwne anomalie występujące podczas tego zdarzenia:

Conclusions and Summary

In boiling water, the water’s hydrogen and oxygen molecules repel one another, and, in the case of WTC2, it looked as if the building’s own molecules were suddenly repelling each other. What I saw, and what we all now see, in Figure 495, is not rising smoke or trailing cloud, but, instead, what we see is an energised propulsion. We are not looking at signs of a force that caused the building to slam down into the ground at a rate faster than “free fall.” We are looking at signs of a force, instead, that turned the building to dust before it even had a chance to get to the ground. The official explanation—along with all theories of controlled demolition, thermite, and so on—would have us believe that we are looking at a gravity-driven collapse. And yet, hard as it may be to believe, what we are seeing in the Figure 497 photograph is not a building in collapse, but a building being disintegrated into parts so small that it will, in practical terms, disappear. As for it not being a “collapse” we’re looking at, consider the simple fact that some of the “dust” ejecta is actually being propelled upward.

WTC Evidence that Must be Explained4 In addition to explaining why ejecta is being propelled upwardin what is officially said to be a downward “collapse,” any model of the WTC’s destruction, if that model is to be taken seriously, must seek to explain not some but all of the following facts, although these “facts” may also be thought of as occurrences, questions, things, and anomalies. The alert reader may notice that not even this highly detailed book itself has been able to cover all of them:

1. FACT: Although Hurricane Erin was located just off Long Island throughout the day of 9/11/01, both the approach in days before and the presence of the storm on that day went almost totally unreported. Hurricane Erin was omitted on the morning weather map, even though that portion of the Atlantic Ocean where she stood was covered by the map. Astronauts gazing down said they could see the drifting plume from the destruction of WTC2 and WTC1 but made no mention of the highly visible Erin. WHY?

2. FACT: Approximately 1,400 motor vehicles were toasted in strange ways during the destruction of the Twin Towers. WHY AND HOW?

3. FACT: During destruction, there appeared alongside the buildings curious cork­ screw trails, called in this book Sillystrings. WHY?

4. FACT: During the demise of each tower, large enough volumes of dust made of nano-sized particles went up, enough to block out 100% of sunlight in some areas.

This nano-sized particulate dust in volume enough to achieve sun-light-blocking density constituted the remains of the greatest part of the destroyed buildings’ material substance. WHAT CAUSED THIS DUST TO FORM?

5. FACT: During the destruction, there was an absence of high heat. Witnesses reported that the initial dust cloud felt cooler than ambient temperatures.

Additionally, there was scant evidence of burned bodies, although in one case a man was described as “crisped” even while his jacket remained uncrisped, indicating an “inside-out” combustion not possible with conventional fire. WHAT CAUSED THESE PHENOMENA?

6. FACT: Evidence that the WTC dust continued to break down and become finer and finer long after 9/11 itself came through the observable presence of Fuzzballs. WHAT CAUSES THIS PHENOMENON?

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